GOLDEN PLUMB International Building Catalog Awards 2020
Registration Deadline: Sep 15, 2020; Submission Deadline: Sep 15, 2020 GOLDEN PLUMB International Building Awards are the prestige awards of the building industry. It is Turkey’s first and only product awards in the field of building materials organized by the Building Industry Center (YEM) since 1991 until 2018. As of 2020, through BUILDING CATALOG, it will be given to the products and companies around 4 categories by professional people and institutions. BUILDING CATALOG, which is the most reliable source of the building industry by aiming to meet the building material companies of the architects, projects, construction sites and obtain detailed information about the products, takes the mission to carry the building industry to the international dimension by organizing the GOLDEN PLUMB Awards by 2020. GOLDEN PLUMB International Building Awards program is a reward program that can companies, organizations, academic groups, research laboratories, entrepreneurs who are building materials manufacturers or representatives operating in the field of building materials in the Turkish building industry can participate. In addition, it aims to increase its contribution to the development of the sector by supporting new ideas, technology and products in the field of building materials. For more information: Read the full post on Bustler

GOLDEN PLUMB International Building Awards are the prestige awards of the building industry. It is Turkey’s first and only product awards in the field of building materials organized by the Building Industry Center (YEM) since 1991 until 2018. As of 2020, through BUILDING CATALOG, it will be given to the products and companies around 4 categories by professional people and institutions. BUILDING CATALOG, which is the most reliable source of the building industry by aiming to meet the building material companies of the architects, projects, construction sites and obtain detailed information about the products, takes the mission to carry the building industry to the international dimension by organizing the GOLDEN PLUMB Awards by 2020.
GOLDEN PLUMB International Building Awards program is a reward program that can companies, organizations, academic groups, research laboratories, entrepreneurs who are building materials manufacturers or representatives operating in the field of building materials in the Turkish building industry can participate. In addition, it aims to increase its contribution to the development of the sector by supporting new ideas, technology and products in the field of building materials.
For more information: Read the full post on Bustler