GR Residence / Lima Decor

Due to the urgency of living the present better, the owners of this little paradise, a young couple with a young child make a point of living life intensely and in order to accomplish this they travel whenever they can.  They love the sun and all the life it represents so they always seek destinations where they can enjoy it as much as possible, and resorts (in Brazil and abroad) are their favorite places. However, not satisfied with enjoying this well-being only at certain times of the year, on holidays, or when the family is on vacation, they decided to have their own private resort, and with a focus on making this goal to become reality, they hired us.

GR Residence / Lima Decor
© Carolina Lacaz © Carolina Lacaz
  • architects: Lima Decor
  • Location: Campinas, Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
  • Project Year: 2022
  • Photographs: Carolina Lacaz
  • Area: 520.0 m2

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