Graham Foundation Announces 56 Grants for Individuals Expanding Architecture Ideas Through Interdisciplinary Work

The Graham Foundation has announced 56 new grants to individuals, selected from nearly 600 submissions. Centered on publications, research, exhibitions, films, site-specific installations, and digital initiatives, the funded projects "expand contemporary architecture ideas through innovative rigorous interdisciplinary work on the design and the built environment." The projects are led by 84 individuals, including established and emerging architects, artists, curators, designers, filmmakers, historians, and writers.

Graham Foundation Announces 56 Grants for Individuals Expanding Architecture Ideas Through Interdisciplinary Work
Assaf Evron, “Collage for the Edith Farnsworth House” (installation view, Edith Farnsworth House, Plano, IL), 2023. Digital photograph. Image © Assaf Evron Assaf Evron, “Collage for the Edith Farnsworth House” (installation view, Edith Farnsworth House, Plano, IL), 2023. Digital photograph. Image © Assaf Evron

The Graham Foundation has announced 56 new grants to individuals, selected from nearly 600 submissions. Centered on publications, research, exhibitions, films, site-specific installations, and digital initiatives, the funded projects "expand contemporary architecture ideas through innovative rigorous interdisciplinary work on the design and the built environment." The projects are led by 84 individuals, including established and emerging architects, artists, curators, designers, filmmakers, historians, and writers.

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