Green Pea Retail Park / Acc Naturale Architettura + Negozio Blu Architetti

ACC Natural Architecture Cristiana Catino and Negozio Blu Architetti (Ambrosini, Gatti, Grometto), former designers of the first Eataly, conceived a symbolic architecture to give shape to the strategic vision of Green Pea: a highly sustainable building, a manifesto built with new technologies and natural materials to convey, through architecture, the idea of respect for the environment and harmony with nature.

Green Pea Retail Park / Acc Naturale Architettura + Negozio Blu Architetti
© Fabio Oggero © Fabio Oggero
  • architects: Acc Naturale Architettura
  • architects: Negozio Blu Architetti
  • Location: Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, Italy
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Fabio Oggero
  • Area: 10500.0 m2

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