Harvard PPE team uses Slack to design patient isolation hood for hospital use

Following up on their efforts to fabricate masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for local hospitals, a team of Harvard University-based designers and medical professionals are working to design new PPE devices, including what is known as a Patient Isolation Hood (PIH).  The hood, according to an article posted on the Harvard Graduate School of Design website, consists of a molded plastic shield that is placed between a patient and attending doctors. The shield allows doctors to perform necessary and life-saving procedures on infectious patients, including intubation and other procedures, while protecting the doctors from infection and limiting the potential spread of pathogens.  Views of the PIH equipment being fabricated at GSD’s Gund Hall. Photo courtesy MGB Center for COVID Innovation.GSD’s website states, “GSD’s Digital Fabrication Specialist Chris Hansen has collaborated with an array of Harvard and GSD colleagues to design two PIH prototypes, fabricating them on...

Harvard PPE team uses Slack to design patient isolation hood for hospital use

Following up on their efforts to fabricate masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for local hospitals, a team of Harvard University-based designers and medical professionals are working to design new PPE devices, including what is known as a Patient Isolation Hood (PIH). 

The hood, according to an article posted on the Harvard Graduate School of Design website, consists of a molded plastic shield that is placed between a patient and attending doctors. The shield allows doctors to perform necessary and life-saving procedures on infectious patients, including intubation and other procedures, while protecting the doctors from infection and limiting the potential spread of pathogens. 

Views of the PIH equipment being fabricated at GSD’s Gund Hall. Photo courtesy MGB Center for COVID Innovation.

GSD’s website states, “GSD’s Digital Fabrication Specialist Chris Hansen has collaborated with an array of Harvard and GSD colleagues to design two PIH prototypes, fabricating them on...