Hexagonal Plans: Geometric Sets in the Architectural Composition

Despite not being found in nature, right angles are the most used by architects. In the search for more functionality and practicality in construction, squares and rectangles emerge as the main option when designing. On the other hand, several vernacular and ancestral architectures adopted arches and circular plans as a solution. The game of geometric shapes in the architectural composition is vast, but we cannot forget a polygon that also stands out: the hexagon.

Hexagonal Plans: Geometric Sets in the Architectural Composition
Korea National Arboretum Children's Forest School / GEEUMPLUS. Image: © Hoonkoo Lee Korea National Arboretum Children's Forest School / GEEUMPLUS. Image: © Hoonkoo Lee

Despite not being found in nature, right angles are the most used by architects. In the search for more functionality and practicality in construction, squares and rectangles emerge as the main option when designing. On the other hand, several vernacular and ancestral architectures adopted arches and circular plans as a solution. The game of geometric shapes in the architectural composition is vast, but we cannot forget a polygon that also stands out: the hexagon.

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