High School Design for Kharkiv, Ukraine
Registration Deadline: Jan 24, 2024; Submission Deadline: Feb 1, 2024 Contents of the competitionThe NPO Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design (AILCD) is pleased to invite students and young architects aged under 35 from all over the world to take part in the 13th AILCD International Architecture Design Competition.The theme of this year is “High School Design for Kharkiv, Ukraine”. The competition addresses the problem of post-war Ukrainian urban planning in Kharkiv, Ukraine. The competition asks the students and young architects to re-design a destroyed educational building and its surrounding area in Kharkiv. The topic of the competition is to create a high-quality modern lyceum considering the modern requirements of urbanism, comfort, and accessibility within the conditions of a historically formed city environment. It is required to search for the best solution of a high-quality urban composition and an original architectural design of a modern educational complex of the lyceum, in relation with the surroundings, access to the adjacent streets, on the same site of the destroyed lyceum. Competition SiteKharkiv Lyceum No. 46 of the Kharkiv City Council, Kharkiv (Ukraine) Architectural basic information· Address: Derzhavinska St, 4-А, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, 61000 · Lyceum: Comprehensive educational institution of I-III levels with a philological, biological and chemical, mathematical profiles of education (1-11 classes). · Destruction of the lyceum July 10, 2022 · Total number of classes 49 · Total number of pedagogues 129 · Total number of students 1328 · Site area 2,3 ha Organized by NPO Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design AILCDThe University of Kitakyushu (Japan) in cooperation withInstitute of Architecture and Design of Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine) AdmissionMultidisciplinary teams of graduate (master and PhD students) and undergraduate students from architecture, landscape, civil engineering, and related disciplines are accepted.Young architects aged under 35 are allowed to participate too. Teams and individual entries are accepted. Teams of students can have up to 5 members, young architects can have up to 3 members in the team. Only one project may be submitted per team. Task of the competitionThe main conceptual tasks of the competition are:1) Creation of a high-quality example of an educational institution considering modern world trends in school education, comfort of learning and accessibility 2) Searching for high-quality urban composition and original design concepts 3) Formation of a structure of the educational complex in the context and scale of the existing area 4) Rethinking the transformation of the old Soviet schools and implementation of modern trends in the design of educational institutions The proposals should also consider below requirements:- New school building design - Overall sustainable concept - Green space design - Proposals of renewable energy systems - Connection with the surrounding area International Jury MembersBart Dewancker Jury Chairman, Prof. The University of Kitakyushu (Japan)Zhu Wang Prof., Zhejiang University (China) Yue Fan Prof., Shenzhen University (China) Dian Zhou Prof., Xian Jiaotong University (China) Shi Xinyu Architect, Qingdao University of Technology (China) Donny Koerniawan Architect, Prof. Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia) Fritz Akhmad Nuzir Architect, Bandar Lampung University (Indonesia) Didit Novianto Lecturer, Sepuluh Nopember Institute Technology (Indonesia) Hiroatsu Fukuda Prof., The University of Kitakyushu (Japan) Hideo Takashima Ass. Prof., Osaka University (Japan) Yiyin Tsai Prof., Chung Hua University (Taiwan) Tanaphoom Wongbumru Lecturer, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (Thailand) Oleh Slieptsov Prof., President of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture (Ukraine) Oksana Kashuba Prof., Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine) Vyacheslav Yakubovskyy Prof., Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine) Glib Ushakov Prof., Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine) Tran Tuan Linh Lecturer, University of Engineering and Technology Vietnam National University (Vietnam) Time ScheduleSeptember 7, 2023 Competition announcement, registration starting dateJanuary 10, 2024 Deadline for inquiries January 24, 2024 Registration deadline February 1, 2024 Closing date for proposal

Contents of the competition
The NPO Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design (AILCD) is pleased to invite students and young architects aged under 35 from all over the world to take part in the 13th AILCD International Architecture Design Competition.
The theme of this year is “High School Design for Kharkiv, Ukraine”.
The competition addresses the problem of post-war Ukrainian urban planning in Kharkiv, Ukraine. The competition asks the students and young architects to re-design a destroyed educational building and its surrounding area in Kharkiv.
The topic of the competition is to create a high-quality modern lyceum considering the modern requirements of urbanism, comfort, and accessibility within the conditions of a historically formed city environment. It is required to search for the best solution of a high-quality urban composition and an original architectural design of a modern educational complex of the lyceum, in relation with the surroundings, access to the adjacent streets, on the same site of the destroyed lyceum.
Competition Site
Kharkiv Lyceum No. 46 of the Kharkiv City Council, Kharkiv (Ukraine)
Architectural basic information
· Address: Derzhavinska St, 4-А, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, 61000
· Lyceum: Comprehensive educational institution of I-III levels with a philological, biological and chemical, mathematical profiles of education (1-11 classes).
· Destruction of the lyceum July 10, 2022
· Total number of classes 49
· Total number of pedagogues 129
· Total number of students 1328
· Site area 2,3 ha
Organized by
NPO Asian Institute of Low Carbon Design AILCD
The University of Kitakyushu (Japan)
in cooperation with
Institute of Architecture and Design of Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)
Multidisciplinary teams of graduate (master and PhD students) and undergraduate students from architecture, landscape, civil engineering, and related disciplines are accepted.
Young architects aged under 35 are allowed to participate too.
Teams and individual entries are accepted. Teams of students can have up to 5 members, young architects can have up to 3 members in the team.
Only one project may be submitted per team.
Task of the competition
The main conceptual tasks of the competition are:
1) Creation of a high-quality example of an educational institution considering modern world trends in school education, comfort of learning and accessibility
2) Searching for high-quality urban composition and original design concepts
3) Formation of a structure of the educational complex in the context and scale of the existing area
4) Rethinking the transformation of the old Soviet schools and implementation of modern trends in the design of educational institutions
The proposals should also consider below requirements:
- New school building design
- Overall sustainable concept
- Green space design
- Proposals of renewable energy systems
- Connection with the surrounding area
International Jury Members
Bart Dewancker Jury Chairman, Prof. The University of Kitakyushu (Japan)
Zhu Wang Prof., Zhejiang University (China)
Yue Fan Prof., Shenzhen University (China)
Dian Zhou Prof., Xian Jiaotong University (China)
Shi Xinyu Architect, Qingdao University of Technology (China)
Donny Koerniawan Architect, Prof. Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
Fritz Akhmad Nuzir Architect, Bandar Lampung University (Indonesia)
Didit Novianto Lecturer, Sepuluh Nopember Institute Technology (Indonesia)
Hiroatsu Fukuda Prof., The University of Kitakyushu (Japan)
Hideo Takashima Ass. Prof., Osaka University (Japan)
Yiyin Tsai Prof., Chung Hua University (Taiwan)
Tanaphoom Wongbumru Lecturer, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (Thailand)
Oleh Slieptsov Prof., President of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture (Ukraine)
Oksana Kashuba Prof., Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)
Vyacheslav Yakubovskyy Prof., Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine)
Glib Ushakov Prof., Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (Ukraine)
Tran Tuan Linh Lecturer, University of Engineering and Technology
Vietnam National University (Vietnam)
Time Schedule
September 7, 2023 Competition announcement, registration starting date
January 10, 2024 Deadline for inquiries
January 24, 2024 Registration deadline
February 1, 2024 Closing date for proposal submissions
February 24, 2024 Announcement winning proposals
First Prize
Second Prize
Third Prize
7 Honorable Mentions
(each category)
Registration Procedure
Category 1: STUDENTS
For registration, send below information to bart@kitakyu-u.ac.jp
- names of all participants of your team, individual entries are accepted as well.
- name of university including name of faculty and/or department.
- teams of students can have up to 5 members in one team.
- e-mail address of the team leader.
After your registration is completed, you will receive a registration number which must be integrated in all boards of your final submission.
For registration, send below information to bart@kitakyu-u.ac.jp
- names of all participants of your team, individual entries are accepted as well. Teams of young architects can have up to 3 members in one team.
- proof of age under 35.
- at least one team member should have a qualification certificate of architect.
- e-mail address of the team leader.
After your registration is completed, you will receive a registration number which must be integrated in all panels (lower right corner) of your final submission.
Registration Fee
No registration fees are required for the competition.
The official language of the competition is English.
- Digital form: 4 (four) A2 panels (JPEG files)
- Panel size: A2 (594mm x 420mm) (landscape format = horizontal orientation)
- The boards should contain
-project concept
-all floor plans
-at least 2 sections
-all facades
- All proposals must contain registration number in the lower right corner on all panels (size 18 pt).
- No names of participants or affiliations are allowed on the panels.
- Proposals shall be sent by email to bart@kitakyu-u.ac.jp
- Proposals are not accepted after closing date for proposal submissions.
- File name: the registration number followed by page number 01, 02, 03 and 04.
for students
underlined number = your registration number
for young architects
underlined number = your registration number
Competition Site
Kharkiv Lyceum No. 46
Kharkiv City Council
Derzhavinska St, 4-А, Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, 61000
regulatory documentation to be referred to
DBN V.2.2-3:2018 Educational institutions. Buildings and structures.
Competition Website