House in Asunción / Josep Ferrando Architecture

An enclosure and a porch. A brick wall shelters and guarantees the necessary security on a 30x24m plot. The enclosure is expressed on three of its sides with the thickness of the material itself, and in the fourth it is widened with 6m to locate the service spaces (barbecue, parking and sanitary spaces), freeing up a 24x24m landscaped space. A porch rises slightly with respect to the height of the enclosure revealing a view above it, establishing a visual bridge with the parks that surround the exterior of the house. The threshold is positioned asymmetrically, clearing a larger garden on its north side and a smaller one on its south side, always moving away from the limits to emphasize the lighting and transversal ventilation of the interior space.

House in Asunción / Josep Ferrando Architecture
© Federico Cairoli © Federico Cairoli

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