House João & Maria / Nommo Arquitetos

Space and time, in the physical conception, are interdependent and inseparable forces. In architecture, this relationship is also symbiotic, as one cannot speak of architectural space without considering the various ways of perceiving and dealing with time. The design of Casa João e Maria starts from this premise, as the place of the residence, designed for a couple, is the same one where the owner was born and spent childhood with her parents, João and Maria. Therefore, the project sought to blend past and present, viewing time not as linear, but as a tangle of memories, moments and points of perception. This non-linearity is reflected in the space, appropriating the idea of multiple pathways by placing the circulation core in the center of the site, amidst the main courtyard of the house.

House João & Maria / Nommo Arquitetos
© Mahani Siqueira © Mahani Siqueira

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