Houzz Tour: Architects Bring Order to an 1,100-Square-Foot House (22 photos)
Houzz Tour: Architects Bring Order to an 1,100-Square-Foot House (22 photos)
These Toronto homeowners liked their good friends’ remodel so much they hired the same architects, Brian Hagood and Charisma Panchapakesan, to work on their home. “They needed more natural light and organized spaces that made sense for their family,” Panchapakesan says. The scope of the project...
These Toronto homeowners liked their good friends’ remodel so much they hired the same architects, Brian Hagood and Charisma Panchapakesan, to work on their home. “They needed more natural light and organized spaces that made sense for their family,” Panchapakesan says. The scope of the project...
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