How Bamboo Bends to Create Curved Structures

Bamboo has endless possibilities and when combined with creativity, it can lead to a wide range of interesting shapes. In its natural form, it is a straight, slightly tapering pole. But how do we bend it to create fluid, dynamic spaces? Bamboo is naturally flexible and can be flexed into a slight bend and simple framed structures can be built using bamboo’s natural straight form.

How Bamboo Bends to Create Curved Structures
Courtesy of BambooU Courtesy of BambooU

Bamboo has endless possibilities and when combined with creativity, it can lead to a wide range of interesting shapes. In its natural form, it is a straight, slightly tapering pole. But how do we bend it to create fluid, dynamic spaces? Bamboo is naturally flexible and can be flexed into a slight bend and simple framed structures can be built using bamboo’s natural straight form.

However, it requires specific techniques to achieve extensive curvilinear forms. In the structures we build here in Bali, there are 3 techniques to create curved structures using bamboo. These are:

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