How To Declutter Books: 7 Practical Tips

We know how hard decluttering books can be. It is an emotional process that many of us prefer to put off for as long as possible. However, if there is simply no more space left for books around your house, then you will need to do something about it. While the easiest method would be to move into a bigger home with a huge room dedicated only to your books, this is simply not realistic for many of us. That’s why decluttering is super convenient! Instead of piling on books and creating a mess, you can start to organize and...

How To Declutter Books: 7 Practical Tips

We know how hard decluttering books can be. It is an emotional process that many of us prefer to put off for as long as possible. However, if there is simply no more space left for books around your house, then you will need to do something about it. While the easiest method would be to move into a bigger home with a huge room dedicated only to your books, this is simply not realistic for many of us. That’s why decluttering is super convenient! Instead of piling on books and creating a mess, you can start to organize and downsize your collection. This is not only better for you and your mental health, but will also ensure a better shelf life for your collection. But decluttering sentimental items is hard, we get it. That’s why we are here to help! Here is how to declutter books easily.

We know how hard decluttering books can be, but it needs to be done

woman organizing books

How To Declutter Books

Decluttering is hard but also very satisfying. And if your books are double stacked on shelves, scattered in piles, or just placed randomly all around the home, then they definitely need some decluttering. While books are wonderful things to have around the home, there is no point in storing books that you enjoyed just once or that were given to you as a gift. Some just need to go. Ugh, but how do you choose? Don’t worry, just follow our simple tips and tricks and you will have a tidier, clutter-free collection in no time.

If your books are double stacked on shelves, scattered in piles, or just placed randomly all around the home – it’s time

big pile of books

#Gather everything in one place

The first thing you should do when you are decluttering, whether it is clothes or books, is to gather everything in one place. Go around your home and gather all the books. Look o n your bookshelves, nightstands, piles, cupboards and so on. It is much easier to go through everything and get a good look at what you are dealing with when everything is all in one place. It’s also much easier to leave a book you may not be sure about on the shelf than physically put it back, so clear the shelves as well.

Go around your home and gather all the books in one place

woman reading in between clutter of books


If you have a loooooooot of books, decluttering everything in one go will get very overwhelming. This means that you will easily burn out and you may be more incline to leave the task for another time (aka never). That’s why it is best to work through smaller groups of books as it will be far more productive and you can do it over the span of a couple of days. It is also a good idea to categorize them. For example, put all cookbooks in one pile, memoirs in another, and so on. This will make it easier to look through them and declutter them accordingly.

It is best to work through smaller groups of books so you don’t get overwhelmed 

how to declutter books woman reading on couch

#Remove duplicates

This is one of the quickest ways to cut down your collection. By removing the duplicates, you will easily get rid of a bunch of books. When we say duplicates we don’t mean just books that are the same, but those that also cross over a lot. This includes books like travel guides, encyclopedia, cookbooks, and so on. Try to limit yourself in these categories. Think about which books you really use and which just sit and collect dust. Will you ever use that pastry recipe book?

By removing the duplicates, you will easily get rid of a bunch of books

pile of book on window

#Create some rules

In order for your decluttering to be successful, you need to establish a set of rules for yourself and stick to them. If you don’t stick to them, then the process will be quite hard. You don’t need a ton of rules, just a few. And make sure they are realistic. Here are some example. First rule: if I have read this book and don’t plan on rereading it, I will donate it. Second rule: if I have started a book and don’t plan on finishing it, I will donate it. Third rule: if I have read this book, but want to pass it on to my kids, I will keep it. And so on. Write them down, so you can remember them.

You need to establish a set of rules for yourself and stick to them

how to declutter books bookshelves full of books

#Be realistic about your space

Even if you want to keep all your books, sometimes the space simply isn’t enough. And no matter how many times you try to convince yourself there is plenty of space, the towering book piles seem to say otherwise. So, be realistic about your space. How much do you really have? A shelf? A bookcase? Depending on the answer you may need to be a bit stricter when it comes to your decluttering. If there is no physical room, then there will be less “maybe’s”, so the process will go along faster.

Sometimes there is simply not enough free space for all of your books

bookshelf at home

#Plan what you’ll do with the books

A great way to make the process go along smoother is to plan ahead what you’ll be doing with the books you decide to get rid of. This way they won’t stay in a weird pile on your floor for months until they eventually become a piece of the decor once again. You can give them to friends and family who want them, donate them to your local library or school, or sell them. It’s really up to you. You can even do all three if you want. Just make sure you have a clear plan of action.

Plan ahead what you’ll be doing with the books you decide to get rid of

how to declutter books big library of books

#Consider a digital collection

We know this is hard to hear for the hardcore physical book lovers, but hear us out. Going forward, you may want to consider investing in a digital book reader. This is by far the easiest way to have more space in your home, while have an unlimited amount of books. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to stop reading physical copies. We know the satisfying feeling of flipping through a book. But only getting physical copies of books you really want will ensure you still have plenty of space, while still reading as much as your heart desires.

You may want to consider investing in a digital book reader

digital book reader in black

These were all the tips and tricks we have on how to declutter books easily. We hope you found this article useful. Now you can remove all that clutter from your home, clear up new space, and create a better, more organized environment. All while still keeping the books that are dear to your heart.

These were all the tips and tricks we have on how to declutter books easily

woman reading book on bed

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