How to Frame a View Worth Framing? Vitruvian Principles and the Ideal Window
Windows are an essential architectural element whose basic function, though simple, remains vital. Primarily designed to let in natural light and facilitate air circulation, they play a constant role in everyday life, presenting an interesting duality. From an artistic perspective, painters such as Johannes Vermeer and Henri Matisse have used them as expressive tools, exploring their ability to frame views and tell stories. In contrast, windows have transcended traditional scales and designs within their contemporary and minimalist architectural dimension, creating fluid spatial connections between inside and outside. Beyond formal and stylistic innovation, this evolution finds resonance in the foundational concepts and treatises that have guided architecture since the past.

Windows are an essential architectural element whose basic function, though simple, remains vital. Primarily designed to let in natural light and facilitate air circulation, they play a constant role in everyday life, presenting an interesting duality. From an artistic perspective, painters such as Johannes Vermeer and Henri Matisse have used them as expressive tools, exploring their ability to frame views and tell stories. In contrast, windows have transcended traditional scales and designs within their contemporary and minimalist architectural dimension, creating fluid spatial connections between inside and outside. Beyond formal and stylistic innovation, this evolution finds resonance in the foundational concepts and treatises that have guided architecture since the past.