In Which Countries Is BIM Mandatory for Public Projects?

When we talk about BIM methodology, we refer to a new and very technologically advanced form of work. Yet if we pay attention to the language of BIM conversations, we might notice that we always speak in future tense: "in 10 years' time everyone will…" or "this is the methodology of tomorrow." Is this methodology currently mandatory? And if not, when it will be? To begin grappling with the first of these queries, below we summarize how BIM is currently dealt with around the world.

In Which Countries Is BIM Mandatory for Public Projects?
© Shutterstock / Ink Drop © Shutterstock / Ink Drop

When we talk about BIM methodology, we refer to a new and very technologically advanced form of work. Yet if we pay attention to the language of BIM conversations, we might notice that we always speak in future tense: "in 10 years' time everyone will…" or "this is the methodology of tomorrow." Is this methodology currently mandatory? And if not, when it will be? To begin grappling with the first of these queries, below we summarize how BIM is currently dealt with around the world.

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