International urban planning consultation Grande Porte des Alpes

Registration Deadline: Feb 7, 2022; Submission Deadline: Feb 7, 2022 Hello,On 29 November, the Metropole de Lyon launched a major international urban planning consultation.Objective: to choose three multidisciplinary teams who will be invited to develop a prospective scenario for the territory of the Great Gate of the Alps.To provide you with the first information, the press release for this consultation is available on for download. I also invite you to view the presentation video (3’41’’) .Stéphane MAZEREEL Metropole de Lyon Urban Planner +33 (0)4 78 63 49 24 +33 (0)6 87 86 50 55 smazereel@grandlyon.comRead the full post on Bustler

International urban planning consultation Grande Porte des Alpes
Registration Deadline: Feb 7, 2022; Submission Deadline: Feb 7, 2022


On 29 November, the Metropole de Lyon launched a major international urban planning consultation.

Objective: to choose three multidisciplinary teams who will be invited to develop a prospective scenario for the territory of the Great Gate of the Alps.

To provide you with the first information, the press release for this consultation is available on for download. I also invite you to view the presentation video (3’41’’) .


Metropole de Lyon

Urban Planner

+33 (0)4 78 63 49 24

+33 (0)6 87 86 50 55

Read the full post on Bustler