Investing in Big BIM: Save Time and Stay Current
Vectorworks Architect is well-known for its BIM capabilities, allowing firms around the world to maintain the integrity of their internal design and documentation strategies with an all-in-one solution. The ability to collaborate between firms and share files with ease lets users shift their focus to their designs and all but forget the stress of document sharing. This was the case for Idle Architecture, a Melbourne-based firm that got into Big BIM completely by accident. After ten years of operation, a trusted client provided Idle Architecture the opportunity to design and build an apartment complex on Sackville Street, aimed at addressing the population boom in Melbourne and building up one of the city’s industrial areas. The Sackville Street project was the first in the firm where engineers and consultants volunteered to create and exchange 3D models and data to collaborate, meaning Idle had started engaging in Big BIM without even knowing it.

Vectorworks Architect is well-known for its BIM capabilities, allowing firms around the world to maintain the integrity of their internal design and documentation strategies with an all-in-one solution. The ability to collaborate between firms and share files with ease lets users shift their focus to their designs and all but forget the stress of document sharing. This was the case for Idle Architecture, a Melbourne-based firm that got into Big BIM completely by accident.