IQ-87-OR by Iqosa

Discover the contemporary design style of designer Iqosa in Kyiv, Ukraine with IQ-87-OR. Located in the heart of Kyiv, Ukraine, this stunning apartment was designed in 2022. The modern design style of Iqosa is evident throughout the property, making it perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of contemporary design. Kyiv is also known for its vibrant culture and art scene, making this apartment the perfect place to explore the city. Read more ...Related:Private House by Shabi MizrahiDimora Della Vittoria by RM\ ArchitectureHouse in Longmen by The Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture China Academy of Art Co.

IQ-87-OR by Iqosa

Discover the contemporary design style of designer Iqosa in Kyiv, Ukraine with IQ-87-OR. Located in the heart of Kyiv, Ukraine, this stunning apartment was designed in 2022. The modern design style of Iqosa is evident throughout the property, making it perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of contemporary design. Kyiv is also known for its vibrant culture and art scene, making this apartment the perfect place to explore the city.

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Private House by Shabi Mizrahi
Dimora Della Vittoria by RM\ Architecture
House in Longmen by The Design Institute of Landscape & Architecture China Academy of Art Co.