Jaume's House / Guillem Carrera

The location of this house is part of a small urban fabric with a triangular floor plan, which is embedded and delimited by the highway, Rovira and Virgili Street, the cemetery and the underpass of the highway. It is an area with particular morphological features, made up of small plots, which most of them were built with small houses between the middle and the end of the 20th century. These are accessed through U-shaped entrance and exit, which at the same time meets an inner square. Since the plots are small, the distance between the existing buildings is small and there are low separating fences, the residents of the area live in visual contact with each other, obtaining a lively and active community. Observation and analysis of the existing houses built in the area indicated that most of these homes are compact in volume and occupy a large portion of the plot, resulting in small and residual non-built spaces with little or no connectivity and visual connection with the interior of buildings. At the same time, the main façades with the largest openings are aligned with the street, regardless of their solar orientation.

Jaume's House / Guillem Carrera
© Adrià Goula © Adrià Goula
  • architects: Guillem Carrera
  • Location: Tarragona, Spain
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Adrià Goula
  • Area: 202.0 m2

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