KAIJI Teahouse / Ao.ArchLab + LIMU

Kaiji Teahouse is a young brand that integrates youth culture with traditional Chinese tea culture. The store is located on Nanchang Road in the downtown area of ​​Shanghai. The site of the teahouse, Xiangshan Apartment, is an historical building built in 1933 whose ground floor area is planned as retail space. The site of KAIJI teahouse used to be three separated stores. After partial removement of the partitions, the façade spanning 12 meters is opened to the street. The original decoration was entirely demolished, therefore the original structure which was concealed for almost 90 years was finally revealed.

KAIJI Teahouse / Ao.ArchLab + LIMU
© Jianfeng Lin © Jianfeng Lin
  • architects: Ao.ArchLab
  • architects: LIMU
  • Location: Shanghai, China
  • Project Year: 2022
  • Photographs: Jianfeng Lin
  • Photographs: Ao Yang
  • Area: 120.0 m2

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