Kaohsiung Pop Music Center / Manuel A. Monteserín Lahoz

Next to the mouth of the Love River, the project is located in the port city of Kaohsiung, in southern Taiwan. In this particular enclave where water is the central axis of Taiwanese life —both economically with the largest port in Taiwan, and at the urban level with the Love River drawing a dividing line between the two parts of the city, and at the environmental level where the relative humidity ranges between 60% and 80%— the Pop Music Center proposes a landscape of geometries rescued from the seabed. Foams, corals, seaweed, waves, and aquatic animals are arranged on the surface and specialize in specific uses, so each piece manifests its own personality and a formal challenge and, at the same time, is integrated into a common ecosystem.

Kaohsiung Pop Music Center / Manuel A. Monteserín Lahoz
© Yi-Hsien Lee © Yi-Hsien Lee
  • architects: Manuel A. Monteserín Lahoz
  • Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan (ROC)
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Yi-Hsien Lee
  • Photographs: Chien Ming Chen
  • Photographs: Ian Choi
  • Photographs: Chen Hung
  • Photographs: Su,Bo-An
  • Photographs: Kano Chang
  • Photographs: Yu-Zhi Lin
  • Area: 88000.0 m2

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