Kindergarten am Endbachweg in Poing / Kunze Seeholzer Architekten
The new four-group kindergarten is positioned on the northern property boundary directly along the railway line and, due to its emissions, was structurally integrated into a noise protection wall. The organization of the building is carried out in the most consistent implementation of this special feature: all group and group adjoining rooms as well as the multipurpose room are oriented exclusively to the soundproof south side and thus to the garden. At the rear, in the area of the slope of the noise protection wall towards the noise-polluting railway line, the ancillary rooms are arranged almost without windows and thus form additional structural immission protection for the lounge and play areas.

- architects: Kunze Seeholzer Architekten
- Location: Endbachweg 12, 85586 Poing, Germany
- Project Year: 2021
- Photographs: Jann Averwerser Photography
- Photographs: Courtesy of kunze seeholzer architekten
- Area: 1075.0 m2