League Prize 2023 | Uncomfortable
Registration Deadline: Feb 15, 2023; Submission Deadline: Feb 15, 2023 CALL FOR ENTRIESYoung architects and designers are invited to submit work to the 2023 Architectural League Prize competition. Projects of all types, either theoretical or real, and executed in any medium, are welcome. The jury will select work for presentation in lectures, digital media, and an exhibition in June 2023. Winners will receive a cash prize of $2,000. Established in 1981 to recognize visionary work by young practitioners, the Architectural League Prize is an annual competition, lecture series, and exhibition organized by The Architectural League and its Young Architects + Designers Committee. THE YOUNG ARCHITECTS + DESIGNERS COMMITTEEJose AmozurrutiaGermane BarnesJennifer BonnerJURYBarbara BestorWonne IckxKyle MillerTya WinnTHEME: UNCOMFORTABLEThis is an open call for a generation of designers in an age of the Uncomfortable.Feeling awkward, nervous, or uneasy? As young designers, we are wrestling with numerous uncomfortable responsibilities: dismantling architectural legacies, challenging traditional paradigms, grappling with the costs of comfort, responding to ecological concerns. Our many discomforts range in scale, context, and urgency.The 2023 Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers asks entrants to examine the Uncomfortable. From climate change to labor practices, the sources of our discomfort demand both critical reflection and collective imagination. Are you restless within the discipline’s status quo? How do you respond to discomfort? Whose comfort matters?We invite practices to demonstrate how they find comfort within the unconventional, discover opportunity within crisis, and use the Uncomfortable as a design tool.ELIGIBILITYThe competition is open only to current full-time residents (who need not be citizens) of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Entrants must be ten years or less out of a bachelor’s or master’s degree program. Current students are ineligible. Learn more!Read the full post on Bustler

Young architects and designers are invited to submit work to the 2023 Architectural League Prize competition. Projects of all types, either theoretical or real, and executed in any medium, are welcome. The jury will select work for presentation in lectures, digital media, and an exhibition in June 2023. Winners will receive a cash prize of $2,000.
Established in 1981 to recognize visionary work by young practitioners, the Architectural League Prize is an annual competition, lecture series, and exhibition organized by The Architectural League and its Young Architects + Designers Committee.
Jose Amozurrutia
Germane Barnes
Jennifer Bonner
Barbara Bestor
Wonne Ickx
Kyle Miller
Tya Winn
This is an open call for a generation of designers in an age of the Uncomfortable.
Feeling awkward, nervous, or uneasy? As young designers, we are wrestling with numerous uncomfortable responsibilities: dismantling architectural legacies, challenging traditional paradigms, grappling with the costs of comfort, responding to ecological concerns. Our many discomforts range in scale, context, and urgency.
The 2023 Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers asks entrants to examine the Uncomfortable. From climate change to labor practices, the sources of our discomfort demand both critical reflection and collective imagination. Are you restless within the discipline’s status quo? How do you respond to discomfort? Whose comfort matters?
We invite practices to demonstrate how they find comfort within the unconventional, discover opportunity within crisis, and use the Uncomfortable as a design tool.
The competition is open only to current full-time residents (who need not be citizens) of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Entrants must be ten years or less out of a bachelor’s or master’s degree program. Current students are ineligible.