Lindenhof Multi-Family House / Lukas Imhof Architektur

An alternative to "single-family homes» - communal living at Lindenhof. A fire destroyed the existing building down to its foundations. Our task was now to plan a new building that would restore the volumetry and appearance of the historic barn. However, as the farm is no longer used for agricultural purposes, but the ensemble is a listed building, the new replacement building was to be - if you like - a rebuilt version of the old barn. Rental apartments are being built that combine the qualities of single-family homes with those of communal living - and are affordable for families or flat-sharing communities without high incomes. (Rental price of Sfr. 2'100.- for 5.5 rooms on 165m²)

Lindenhof Multi-Family House / Lukas Imhof Architektur
© Hannes Heinzer © Hannes Heinzer

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