Liulin Catholic Church / Leeko Studio

From townscape composed of brightly colored corrugated steel panels and gray concrete roofs to the brown mountains with sparse green trees, the Liulin Town, like many other small towns in Central China, looks like a seemingly noisy place in disorder, yet with a certain vigorous vitality. The church on the hill, although its sloping cylindrical outline and towering spire can only be glimpsed from a distance, it appears peaceful and silent, overlooking the whole town below, while the town looks up at the church from below.

Liulin Catholic Church / Leeko Studio
© Runzi Zhu © Runzi Zhu
  • architects: Leeko Studio
  • Location: Liulin County, Lvliang, Shanxi, China
  • Project Year: 2017
  • Photographs: Runzi Zhu
  • Photographs: Zhi Xia
  • Area: 700.0 m2

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