Marcelis Residence / Bas Vogelpoel Architecten

This is a house extension and renovation project in Scheveningen, the old fishers' town of Den Hague. The original house was tiny at best. It’s the last of a short row of small workers' houses, in a side street to Scheveningen-center. The occupants loved the city and the surf but really needed some more space. The extension more than doubles the original house and is like a little gem hidden in the alleyway.

Marcelis Residence / Bas Vogelpoel Architecten
© Bas Vogelpoel © Bas Vogelpoel
  • architects: Bas Vogelpoel Architecten
  • Location: The Hague, The Netherlands
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Bas Vogelpoel
  • Area: 124.0 m2

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