Modular Housing: Striking Balance between Standardization and Customization

No longer relegated to the domain of temporary structures or utilitarian living, modular housing is increasingly gaining traction. Prefabricated homes are disrupting the architecture industry with their efficient construction, predictable costs, and reduced environmental impact. Modular housing is rooted in the idea of quick replication and standardization. In a world that prioritizes customization, how might modular housing meet the needs of diverse individuals?

Modular Housing: Striking Balance between Standardization and Customization
Les Coteaux Fleuris School / HEMAA Architectes + Hesters Oyon. Image © Sergio Grazia Les Coteaux Fleuris School / HEMAA Architectes + Hesters Oyon. Image © Sergio Grazia

No longer relegated to the domain of temporary structures or utilitarian living, modular housing is increasingly gaining traction. Prefabricated homes are disrupting the architecture industry with their efficient construction, predictable costs, and reduced environmental impact. Modular housing is rooted in the idea of quick replication and standardization. In a world that prioritizes customization, how might modular housing meet the needs of diverse individuals?

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