More than Parking lots: Can Parking Facilities Provide new Spaces to Cities?

While most cities around the world seek to implement more sustainable and environmentally friendly modes of transportation, encouraging new urban mobility habits in their residents, the use of automobiles still persists, occupying significant parking spaces in urban centers. Finding a way to integrate these uses, provide new spaces for their citizens, and leverage their facilities for ecological, productive, and other purposes is the challenge faced by many professionals in architecture and urban planning.

More than Parking lots: Can Parking Facilities Provide new Spaces to Cities?
Parking in the Huertas de Caldes / Ravetllat-Ribas. Image © Adrià Goula Parking in the Huertas de Caldes / Ravetllat-Ribas. Image © Adrià Goula

While most cities around the world seek to implement more sustainable and environmentally friendly modes of transportation, encouraging new urban mobility habits in their residents, the use of automobiles still persists, occupying significant parking spaces in urban centers. Finding a way to integrate these uses, provide new spaces for their citizens, and leverage their facilities for ecological, productive, and other purposes is the challenge faced by many professionals in architecture and urban planning.

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