Morro da Manteiga House / LEIVA arquitetura

Customers came to us to fulfill an old dream: to build their own house in the countryside and live in the tranquility of the rural area, after returning from the capital Porto Alegre to the countryside. The pace and quality of life are different: being able to sit on the balcony and listen to the birds singing, being able to breathe the fresh air and sitting in the sun at any time of the day, moving the earth and even picking your own food. Resources were limited and so it was decided to make the construction by the Minha Casa Minha Vida program - track 01, program developed by the Brazilian government for low-income families, and this directed the project from the beginning: we could not do a project that would run the risk of the client not being able to complete it. And so we begin. The client had three wishes: he wanted the sunset view from his room, he wanted to use exposed brick and he wanted privacy.

Morro da Manteiga House / LEIVA arquitetura
© Gabriel Konrath © Gabriel Konrath
  • architects: LEIVA arquitetura
  • Location: Tupandi, RS, 95775-000, Brazil
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Gabriel Konrath
  • Photographs:
  • Area: 75.0 m2

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