"My Photographs Are a Celebration of the Making of Things": In Conversation with Christopher Payne

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

"My Photographs Are a Celebration of the Making of Things": In Conversation with Christopher Payne
Assembly of a heavy industrial electric motor. Ward Leonard, Thomaston, Connecticut. Image © Christopher Payne Assembly of a heavy industrial electric motor. Ward Leonard, Thomaston, Connecticut. Image © Christopher Payne

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

Christopher Payne’s fascination with factories goes back decades. As an architecture student at the University of Pennsylvania in the 1990s, Payne had the good fortune to find a summer job with an agency inside the National Park Service called the Historic American Buildings Survey. “They sent teams of architecture students, historians, and photographers to document all kinds of projects,” he says. “We documented grain elevators in Buffalo, cast iron bridges in Ohio, a power plant in Alabama, and national parks in Utah. That experience instilled a deep appreciation for industrial architecture.” After graduation, he worked for several years as an architect in New York City before transitioning full-time to photography. His previous books include New York’s Forgotten Substations: The Power Behind the Subway; Asylum: Inside the Closed World of State Mental Hospitals; North Brother Island: The Last Unknown Place in New York City; and Making Steinway: An American Workplace. Last month, Payne gave the School of Visual Art’s Ralph Caplan Memorial Lecture, and shortly afterward I reached out to him to talk about his most recent book, Made in America (Abrams), his long love affair with factories, and the photographic process.

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