Nama Lingerie Shop / AKSL architekti
In the beginning of 2018 AKSL arhitekti got invited to refurbish the 3rd storey of Ljubljana’s famous department store NAMA, opened in 1939. Third storey of an old department store is completely devoted to a woman’s underwear. It was immediately clear that a new interior design concept can flirt with a femininity in general and with spatial relations to boudoirs / private lady dress rooms. Space is divided into two parts, separated with the main escalators and stairs. Right part is completely redesigned with a new furniture elements and special interior surfaces and colours, when the left part plays a bit more pragmatic role and uses a basic colour code rule and as well some standard equipment features from the brand suppliers itself.

- architects: AKSL architekti
- Location: Tomšičeva ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Project Year: 2018
- Photographs: Janez Marolt
- Area: 350.0 m2