Nampa House Restaurant / Listen Communication

Nampa House is a restaurant that originated from a homemade food that has been descended over 200 years within a noble family. The designer has taken inspiration from the nature surrounding the old house of Nampa and its everyday objects. Naju where Nampa house is located is known for traditional craftmanship including weaving, carpentry, dyeing and basketry. These local traditional characteristics are also applied to the design such as a translucent curtain which resembles weaved linen . The curtain divides the hall and room allowing psychological communication with the hall area while offering privacy for the room.

Nampa House Restaurant / Listen Communication
© Jaeyoon Kim © Jaeyoon Kim
  • architects: Listen Communication
  • Location: Seoul, South Korea
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Jaeyoon Kim
  • Area: 269.0 m2

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