Nasushiobara City Library / Mari Ito + UAo

This library and community center is located in the city of Nasushiobara, about 150 km north of Tokyo. The commission was awarded in a 2016 competition. Forests, an important part of the city’s identity, inspired the design. When we step into a forest, we sense the subtle yet constant changes in season, weather, and plant and animal life, absorbing these transformations in multiple emotionally powerful ways.

Nasushiobara City Library / Mari Ito + UAo
© Daici Ano © Daici Ano
  • architects: Mari Ito
  • architects: UAo
  • Location: Nasushiobara, Tochigi, Japan
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Daici Ano
  • Area: 4967.0 m2

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