New A.M Enriques Agnoletti High School of Sesto Fiorentino / Settanta7

“A contemporary school must be a privileged place for knowledge transmission, a civic center, and a point of reference for the community”. A new scientific high school for the metropolitan area of Florence is a design challenge that can inevitably be resolved at a formal level through a synthesis of the territorial context’s emergencies. But it can also be a challenge for the territory itself that must establish strong synergies between the institutions that govern it to improve the building, school/culture, and work of the area. Settanta7 has designed the new Scientific “Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti” High School in Sesto Fiorentino with this aim: an attractive and welcoming architecture, whose transparency and sinuosity create a symbiotic relationship between the learning spaces and the new urbanization context.

New A.M Enriques Agnoletti High School of Sesto Fiorentino / Settanta7
© Marco Cappelletti © Marco Cappelletti
  • architects: Settanta7
  • Location: Via dei Giunchi, Sesto Fiorentino FI, Italy
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Marco Cappelletti
  • Area: 9061.0 m2

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