New architecture and design competitions from around the world: United States, Canada, Korea, Taiwan & Armenia
Continuing with our weekly highlights of noteworthy architecture and design competitions listed on Bustler, we have selected a number of new challenges that stood out this week. The spectrum of briefs includes a film challenge documenting the built environment, warming huts along a frozen river in Manitoba, and architectural ideas to prepare for the post-COVID-19 era in Seoul. For the complete list of newly listed competitions, click here. Here are, ordered by registration and submission due date, some listings to consider. Read the full post on Bustler

Continuing with our weekly highlights of noteworthy architecture and design competitions listed on Bustler, we have selected a number of new challenges that stood out this week.
The spectrum of briefs includes a film challenge documenting the built environment, warming huts along a frozen river in Manitoba, and architectural ideas to prepare for the post-COVID-19 era in Seoul. For the complete list of newly listed competitions, click here.
Here are, ordered by registration and submission due date, some listings to consider. Read the full post on Bustler