New architecture and design competitions: National Air and Space Museum, San Francisco Housing Design, Prague Metro, and Radical Innovation Awards

If you are searching for some inspiring architecture and design competitions, take a look at the latest curated picks of contests listed on Bustler. Highlighted today are four briefs inviting architectural elements for the new Bezos Learning Center at the National Air and Space Museum in D.C., fresh lighting concepts for the Prague Metro, innovative housing visions for San Francisco, and envelope-pushing design ideas for the hospitality and travel industries.For the complete directory of newly-listed competitions, click here.Read the full post on Bustler

New architecture and design competitions: National Air and Space Museum, San Francisco Housing Design, Prague Metro, and Radical Innovation Awards

If you are searching for some inspiring architecture and design competitions, take a look at the latest curated picks of contests listed on Bustler. Highlighted today are four briefs inviting architectural elements for the new Bezos Learning Center at the National Air and Space Museum in D.C., fresh lighting concepts for the Prague Metro, innovative housing visions for San Francisco, and envelope-pushing design ideas for the hospitality and travel industries.

For the complete directory of newly-listed competitions, click here.

Read the full post on Bustler