New Provostry Extensions and Reconstruction / Studio acht

The New Provostry is a historical building from 1877, built in the neo-Gothic style, adjacent to St. Vitus Cathedral in the heart of Prague Castle. Originally intended as the residence of the provost, the building was confiscated in the early 1950s and has largely remained abandoned since then. During the communist era, the courtyard and associated outbuildings were destroyed, and the main building was used as barracks for construction workers. In 2016, the New Provostry was returned to the Church under the restitution law. The reconstruction concept focuses on reopening the inner courtyard to the public. It offers a unique view over the lower Deer Moat, as no other courtyard on the north castle wall is publicly accessible.

New Provostry Extensions and Reconstruction / Studio acht
© Tomáš Slavík © Tomáš Slavík

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