NYCxDESIGN Festival 2024
Event Date: May 16, 2024 - May 23, 2024; Event City: New York, NY, US New York City’s Official Celebration of Design. With a new track-driven structure encompassing key design categories, our week-long event will feature Keynote speakers, trade shows, community events, talks, exhibitions, and more. NYCxDESIGN Festival is established as a centerpiece on the international design calendar. We galvanize New York City’s design community to be generous hosts to a global audience.Festival ProgrammingDesign is all around us, and we’re excited for designers and brands across all design disciplines to take part in this year’s Festival. Guests will enjoy curated program tracks dedicated to the below categories: → Architecture→ Interior Design→ Urban Design→ Landscape Design→ Industrial + Product Design→ Graphic Design→ Technology x Design→ Art x Design→ Entertainment x DesignRead the full post on Bustler

New York City’s Official Celebration of Design. With a new track-driven structure encompassing key design categories, our week-long event will feature Keynote speakers, trade shows, community events, talks, exhibitions, and more. NYCxDESIGN Festival is established as a centerpiece on the international design calendar. We galvanize New York City’s design community to be generous hosts to a global audience.
Festival Programming
Design is all around us, and we’re excited for designers and brands across all design disciplines to take part in this year’s Festival. Guests will enjoy curated program tracks dedicated to the below categories:
→ Architecture
→ Interior Design
→ Urban Design
→ Landscape Design
→ Industrial + Product Design
→ Graphic Design
→ Technology x Design
→ Art x Design
→ Entertainment x Design
Read the full post on Bustler