Offenbach Maktplatz Transportation Hub / Just Architekten GmbH

The city of Offenbach approached us with a request to design a bus stop at a prominent location that would stand out from other urban stops – we readily accepted. Our vision was to create a bus stop as a poetic gesture in the urban space, catering to the location, passersby, and waiting passengers alike. Instead of a conventional bus stop shelter with a fixed view of the road, we chose a design that harmoniously blends into the urban setting at Offenbach’s high street. Replacing the old, worn orange tent-like structure, we designed a sculpture in the public space that seamlessly integrates into the new plaza-like pedestrian area, linking the Frankfurter Straße shopping mile to the Offenbach Marktplatz.

Offenbach Maktplatz Transportation Hub / Just Architekten GmbH
  • architects: Just Architekten GmbH
  • Location: Offenbach am Main, Germany
  • Project Year: 2023
  • Photographs:
  • Area: 79.0 m2

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