Oostenburg Housing Complex / Space Encounters

Oostenburg is one of the last urban transformation areas in the center of Amsterdam where former industrial production has made way for inner-city housing over time. In collaboration with OZ, Workshop Architects, and BETA, Space Encounters designed a striking housing complex as part of a large building block that surrounds the historical Werkspoorhal at the heart of the area. The post-industrial site is currently being transformed into a vibrant and high-density residential neighborhood. Between a selection of historical and more recent buildings, a new, mixed urban context is being realized, consisting of buildings that differ in scale and size, and have inviting plinths and variations in the design of their rooflines. The Oostenburg project by Space Encounters was shaped with these parameters in mind to provide high-quality high-density living.

Oostenburg Housing Complex / Space Encounters

© Marcel van der Burg © Marcel van der Burg

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