Open Call: World Architecture Community 10+5+x Awards

Apply by July 15, 2021.

Open Call: World Architecture Community 10+5+x Awards

The World Architecture (WA) Community is seeking architecture and interior design projects from architects, interior designers, and students for its 38th awards season.

Since 2006, the World Architecture Community has organized the prestigious and acclaimed 10+5+X awards. The aim of the awards is to highlight and recognize remarkable projects that might otherwise remain unnoticed by the international public, yet have the potential to inspire exciting questions in contemporary architectural discourse.

The 38th cycle is now accepting entries from architects, architecture offices, interior designers, and students from all over the world. Projects will be judged based on their novelty, originality, and creativity. They should reflect and inspire a commitment to the art of architecture and bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Projects will be judged by a jury of world-renowned architects, high-profile academics, design leaders, and previous WA award winners and honorary members. Previous award winners and honorary members will select the 10 finalists, and members of the WAC will choose the final 5. “X” projects, or honorable mentions, will also be determined by the WA jury.

Architecture projects may be submitted under 3 sub-categories:

  • Designed: projects that were not built,

  • Realized: projects that were built within the last 10 years,

  • Student: projects designed (not built) by undergraduate or master’s students or academics.

Interior Design projects may be submitted under 2 sub-categories:

  • Realized: projects that were built within the last 10 years,

  • Student: projects designed (not built) by undergraduate or master’s students or academics.

Apply by Thursday, July 15, 2021 by signing up on WAC.

For more information, visit the How to Participate page.