Operation Between Walls / Natura Futura Arquitectura

Architecture as an Exploration of Limits and Possibilities. The absence of public policies that regulate the ways of generating a city affects a large part of Latin America. Such a situation is the result of a lack of reading the context and understanding that the city is a physical expression of those who inhabit it. Bearing this in mind, it is necessary to create laws that value traditional materials and local labour, creating more sustainable cities.

Operation Between Walls / Natura Futura Arquitectura
Cortesía de Natura Futura Arquitectura Cortesía de Natura Futura Arquitectura
  • architects: Natura Futura Arquitectura
  • Location: Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photography: Courtesy of Natura Futura Arquitectura
  • Area: 220.0 m2

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