Orangeale Factory / C&P Architetti Luca Cuzzolin+Elena Pedrina

Dotted with cornflowers and poppies, the high embankment hides the building from the view of those arriving from the main road to the south; hidden by the grassy and flowery carpet, the spaces develop mainly inside it. It is the context, here, that dictates the conditions: a settlement situation very common in the Veneto plain and characterized by the mixture of houses and warehouses. Located on the built-up edge of a small town in the province of Venice (Fossalta di Piave), the lot is confronted with the presence of an industrial area and a low-density residential fabric, with a prevalence of single-family homes and patches of urban countryside punctuated by the presence of vines.

Orangeale Factory / C&P Architetti Luca Cuzzolin+Elena Pedrina
© Alessandra Chemollo © Alessandra Chemollo
  • architects: C&P Architetti
  • Location: Fossalta di Piave, Italy
  • Project Year: 2023
  • Photographs: Alessandra Chemollo
  • Area: 1340.0 m2

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