Palette Architecture seeking Internship in New York, NY, US

PALETTE ARCHITECTURE was founded in 2010 and now has a full-time staff of nine architects and designers.  The practice has built its practice on conceptual and constructed landscape, mixed-use, and residential projects throughout New York City.   The firm utilizes a pragmatic approach to explore the specific limits and design opportunities of each project.  From inception through completion, design concepts are developed and iterated on with input from all of our team members, clients, engineers, and contractors.  Current work includes single and multi-family residential, restaurants, gallery, and hotel projects. This job offers opportunities for an individual to get experience with local projects at all stages.  We are looking for a highly motivated individual eager to engage in design, construction documents, and construction administration.   The firm size, and hands on nature of the work will give the proper candidate a full understanding of what it takes to get projects built i...

Palette Architecture seeking Internship in New York, NY, US

PALETTE ARCHITECTURE was founded in 2010 and now has a full-time staff of nine architects and designers.  The practice has built its practice on conceptual and constructed landscape, mixed-use, and residential projects throughout New York City.   The firm utilizes a pragmatic approach to explore the specific limits and design opportunities of each project.  From inception through completion, design concepts are developed and iterated on with input from all of our team members, clients, engineers, and contractors.  Current work includes single and multi-family residential, restaurants, gallery, and hotel projects.

This job offers opportunities for an individual to get experience with local projects at all stages.  We are looking for a highly motivated individual eager to engage in design, construction documents, and construction administration.   The firm size, and hands on nature of the work will give the proper candidate a full understanding of what it takes to get projects built i...