Portable Compulsion by Isabel Helf
VDF products fair: Isabel Helf has created a collection of bags named Portable Compulsion that reference illnesses associated with compulsive orderliness. Each Portable Compulsion handbag features a shape that relates to a specific furnishing or fixture, such as a step or shelf. Like a lock-and-key mechanism, this allows it to seamlessly slot onto the associated The post Portable Compulsion by Isabel Helf appeared first on Dezeen.

VDF products fair: Isabel Helf has created a collection of bags named Portable Compulsion that reference illnesses associated with compulsive orderliness.
Each Portable Compulsion handbag features a shape that relates to a specific furnishing or fixture, such as a step or shelf. Like a lock-and-key mechanism, this allows it to seamlessly slot onto the associated furnishing to be neatly stored away.
It is intended to offer a form of behavioural therapy for people experiencing obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, who come up against excessive concern for perfectionism and orderliness.
Alternatively, it can function as a piece of usable art or space-saving device for minimalist homes.
Helf's design is achieved through a combination of solid materials like wood or brass, which mimics the shape of the associated furnishing, and soft leather for the rest of the bag.
"My work and products aim to tell a story and the concept behind it in a very practical as well as emotional way," said the Vienna-based designer.
"The focus lies within small details and surprising elements throughout the work, which will be noticed through their functionality."
Helf is one of 15 designers who have been selected by Austrianfashion.net, a platform that promotes designers from Austria, to exhibit work at VDF products fair.
Product: Portable Compulsion
Designer: Isabel Helf
Contact address: office@isabelhelf.com
Instagram: @isabelhelf
About VDF products fair: the VDF products fair offers an affordable launchpad for new products during Virtual Design Festival. For more details email vdf@dezeen.com.
The post Portable Compulsion by Isabel Helf appeared first on Dezeen.