Rammed Earth House

Registration Deadline: Mar 30, 2021; Submission Deadline: Mar 30, 2021 The aim of the Rammed Earth House competition is to design an experimental building made of rammed earth at a specifically selected location in the South-east region of Slovenia. Rammed earth is one of the most sustainable materials in the world, accessible practically anywhere, and its properties enable a healthy and sustainable living environment. The competition's aim is to design one residential building for two people on a minimum area built of rammed earth. The maximum building area of the building must not exceed 30m2. Read the full post on Bustler

Rammed Earth House

Registration Deadline: Mar 30, 2021; Submission Deadline: Mar 30, 2021

The aim of the Rammed Earth House competition is to design an experimental building made of rammed earth at a specifically selected location in the South-east region of Slovenia. Rammed earth is one of the most sustainable materials in the world, accessible practically anywhere, and its properties enable a healthy and sustainable living environment.

The competition's aim is to design one residential building for two people on a minimum area built of rammed earth. The maximum building area of the building must not exceed 30m2.

Read the full post on Bustler