Re-Imagining Railway Stations: Connecting Communities

Registration Deadline: Sep 11, 2020; Submission Deadline: Sep 15, 2020 Network Rail and RIBA Competitions has launched an international competition to shape the future of Britain’s railway stations.  The competition will provide architects, engineers and designers the chance to improve the travel experience for the millions of passengers who use Britain’s railway, and leave a lasting legacy on station design. It asks designers to reimagine small to medium-sized stations – which make up 80% of all those on Britain’s railway – so they can better serve the needs of both passengers and their local communities. The competition encourages entries which stimulate creativity and address the changing character of our society. In developing proposals, entrants are encouraged to consider how future stations can be sustainable and deliver outstanding value, whilst considering the impact on the environment to achieve net zero emissions to leave a positive legacy for future generations.  Read the full post on Bustler

Re-Imagining Railway Stations: Connecting Communities
Registration Deadline: Sep 11, 2020; Submission Deadline: Sep 15, 2020

Network Rail and RIBA Competitions has launched an international competition to shape the future of Britain’s railway stations. 

The competition will provide architects, engineers and designers the chance to improve the travel experience for the millions of passengers who use Britain’s railway, and leave a lasting legacy on station design.

It asks designers to reimagine small to medium-sized stations – which make up 80% of all those on Britain’s railway – so they can better serve the needs of both passengers and their local communities.

The competition encourages entries which stimulate creativity and address the changing character of our society. In developing proposals, entrants are encouraged to consider how future stations can be sustainable and deliver outstanding value, whilst considering the impact on the environment to achieve net zero emissions to leave a positive legacy for future generations. 

Read the full post on Bustler