Reactivating Residual Public Spaces with Community-Led Design
Contemporary cities and urban settlements manifest as intricate structures that demand deep reflection and a careful approach. The social models and spatial layouts within them are in constant evolution, transforming over time. In this context, a crucial question arises: What is the predominant model for cities today? Many contemporary cities result from a paradigm that reached its apogee in the 19th century, characterized by intensive densification and urbanization in response to needs that weren't always reflective of its inhabitants.

Contemporary cities and urban settlements manifest as intricate structures that demand deep reflection and a careful approach. The social models and spatial layouts within them are in constant evolution, transforming over time. In this context, a crucial question arises: What is the predominant model for cities today? Many contemporary cities result from a paradigm that reached its apogee in the 19th century, characterized by intensive densification and urbanization in response to needs that weren't always reflective of its inhabitants.
In some cases, due to the transformations experienced by large cities, certain urban sectors have fallen into disuse, becoming residual spaces or moving away from purposes oriented to community development. Recognizing that people are the driving force behind the dynamics of cities and human settlements, it is imperative to reclaim these spaces. To this end, theoretical approaches such as the one proposed by Henri Lefebvre's right to the city and the 15-minute city are presented as alternatives. In these cases, people regain the focus, becoming key elements in the design, and allowing for the re-establishment of a community-person-space bond.