Reconstruction of Yanjiao Campus Library of Central Academy of Fine Arts / 3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Task and design concept: Four-in-One with "collection, exhibition, reading, and enjoyment." After on-site investigation, the architect put forward the idea of planning and transforming the library and the adjacent art gallery together, that is, the library and the exhibition hall should be considered as a whole, and jointly serve as the base of knowledge and art production for the future of the academy, also with the four-in-one concept of "collection, exhibition, reading, and enjoyment". The so-called "collection" means here mainly books collecting. As a base of knowledge production, books are knowledge and the basis of all extended functions. Therefore, the new library must provide the best conditions for the collection of books. "Exhibition" means both presenting and exhibiting. Whether it is the library's books or the exhibition hall, the new space should have enough openness and tolerance to carry different forms of display and exhibition. “Reading” means books reading, one of the most basic functional requirements of the library. The design hopes to provide teachers and students with a more spacious and comfortable reading space and a more diversified reading experience. "Enjoyment" means both enjoying and sharing. In the view of the architect, the new library should be a space that readers are willing to enter. It should not be rigid, where readers can even read books lying down. At the same time, the library should be open and public. It can not only be linked with the exhibition hall to hold related extended reading events next to the exhibitions but also be used as a special classroom, seminar room or lecture hall.

Reconstruction of Yanjiao Campus Library of Central Academy of Fine Arts  / 3andwich Design / He Wei Studio
New entrance to the library. Image © Weiqi Jin New entrance to the library. Image © Weiqi Jin
  • architects: 3andwich Design / He Wei Studio
  • Location: Sanhe City, Langfang City, Hebei Province, China
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Weiqi Jin
  • Area: 2900.0 m2

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