Reducing Cost Without Sacrificing Quality: The Experience of Brazilian Office VAGA

Starting from the first sketches of a project, it is essential that the project's design restrictions are well defined. This will guide the project, making it more suitable for its location, owners, and local conditions. Among common restrictions, keeping the project cost low is perhaps the most ubiquitous. We spoke with the VAGA team, an office based in São Paulo, about the challenges and possibilities that working with a tight budget imposes:

Reducing Cost Without Sacrificing Quality: The Experience of Brazilian Office VAGA
CL Warehouses / VAGA. Image © Pedro Napolitano Prata CL Warehouses / VAGA. Image © Pedro Napolitano Prata

Starting from the first sketches of a project, it is essential that the project's design restrictions are well defined. This will guide the project, making it more suitable for its location, owners, and local conditions. Among common restrictions, keeping the project cost low is perhaps the most ubiquitous. We spoke with the VAGA team, an office based in São Paulo, about the challenges and possibilities that working with a tight budget imposes:

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