Residence L&I / studioLARQ

Origins. One of our favourite projects. “Total architecture”, the whole process. Measurements, conversations, sketches, plans, on-site visits, building works, all kinds of functional details, and the last phase, lighting, and interior design. We turned everything upside down to achieve: Other whole ways of thinking and living in the home that imply very different project techniques and that, without doubt, result in domestic spaces that are, to a greater or lesser extent, far away from the conventional ones. Iñaki Ábalos. Always guided by our work philosophy: adaptability to change through creative thinking, generating new ideas that provide our architectural solutions with the innovation we try to achieve. " I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." John Cage. The use of design as a language, indifferent to the styles that come and go.

Residence L&I / studioLARQ
Cortesía de Luis Portero Cortesía de Luis Portero
  • architects: studioLARQ
  • Location: Albacete, Spain
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Luis Portero
  • Area: 140.0 m2

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